Thursday, August 18, 2011


September 30, 2011 is the first annual Symposium offer by the recently established Bowen Theory Education Center, Inc. in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The featured speaker is Dr. Daniel V. Papero, LCSW. He is a faculty member of The Bowen Center for the Study of the Family, Washington, DC. Dr. Papero is an internationally recognized leader in the effort to present Bowen Theory to clinicians, researchers and thinkers. He has promoted the application of the theory to every aspect of the human life, including business, education, and government. Dr. Papero is the author of Bowen Family Systems Theory, published in 1990.

The topic of the day is: On the Edge: Living, Working and Leading in an Anxious World. Anxiety is a fact of life. Bowen Theory provides a guide for dealing with relationships in times of high anxiety. This day will focus on understanding relationships through the lens of Bowen Theory and principles for managing oneself effectively within those relationships.

Go to for further details.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

New site is live

After a good bit of time reworking and adding more content, the new site is live.  If you see any glaring mistakes or things that can be improved, please let me know.  It will be good to see how the new site gets picked up in the search engines.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Blogger and site setup

Working on the layout and template for the Blogger site for BTEC.  Let me know what you think of the selection of books for the background.  Added a scaled back version of the site navigation to Blogger which is currently linked to the test site.  On the Google Apps Site side of things, I moved from the automatic to manual navigation menu.  It is more initial work to setup, but provides more control and was the best way to link in the blog.  All of the blog or RSS embedding gadgets look really ruff, so I decided to go with just a navigation link to Blogger.